The Brookfield Local School District is pleased to welcome Mrs. Sabbrina Landers to our Warrior Family as our School Community Liaison! Landers will focus on reducing non-academic barriers to student success within the district and engage families in the educational process. This is a newly created position for the district, funded by Title dollars, and one that Superintendent Toby Gibson feels is critical in enhancing student success. “We really need that objective, non-punitive, set of eyes and ears to work with our students and families that may be struggling with attendance, socioeconomic, and/or social barriers,” Gibson shares. “As a liaison, Mrs. Landers will be able to connect these families with the appropriate resources so we can set them up for success.”
Landers has spent the last 18 years as a Community Membership Executive for the Girl Scouts. She recently obtained her Master's Degree in education and school counseling from Liberty University and is eager to apply her classroom knowledge and personal experiences to this role. “I can be relatable to families and students about their situations,” Landers explains. “My goal is to get to the root of the concern so I can connect them to the necessary resources.”
In addition to nurturing those relationships and building partnerships, Landers will also focus on improving student attendance. She says she wants to work to develop a streamlined intervention process across the district and start to educate families on district policy and state laws. “Missing a day or two of school each week adds up to a significant amount of absences over the school year,” Landers explains. “Students fall behind and truancy becomes a real concern, so it’s important that families are aware of the ramifications of missing too much school.”
To help increase engagement, Landers will be working with the district leadership and administrative teams to implement family-engaging events and programs throughout the year. Adding she views her role as a partnership with Brookfield families. “There’s not a lot I haven’t seen, I have kids too, and I’m here for you,” Landers says. “I want to learn from you so together we can help our students be successful!”
Families can contact Mrs. Landers during school hours at 330-619-5779 or via email at
[email protected]