BHS Junior Selected to Twenty Under 20 Class of 2023

Brookfield High School Junior Reagan Cantrell is one of just 20 young leaders in Trumbull County to be selected to the 2023 Class of Twenty Under 20! Co-sponsored by the Tribune Chronicle, Akron Children’s Hospital, and the United Way of Trumbull County, the program honors 20 high-achieving individuals younger than 20 for their leadership skills through volunteerism, extracurricular activities, and academic achievements.

Cantrell is one of just four juniors selected for the class this year. She says she loves to help people and is passionate about volunteering for as many events as she can. She is a familiar face around Brookfield Schools helping at various events throughout the year, and in the community, giving her time to assist at a local funeral home. Cantrell is an Honor Roll student at BHS, maintaining a 3.5, or better, GPA while holding a full-time job. Though high school graduation is still two years away, she loves animals and is currently considering a career in the zoology field.

“I got the call on my birthday. I was freaking out and speechless,” Cantrell says of her Twenty Under 20 selection. “I am so excited and it’s even more special that I am the only one from Brookfield Schools to be part of this class.”

54 young adults applied for Twenty Under 20 consideration this year. In addition to the four juniors, twelve seniors, two sophomores, and two freshmen from eleven school districts were also selected for the Class of 2023. Winners are chosen based on a calculation of 50% leadership and 25% each academic achievement and extracurricular activities. Cantrell would be eligible for the award again as a Senior.

The Class will be honored during a dinner in December where the top five winners from the class will be selected to split $1,000 to be donated to the local charity of their choice. One overall winner will be picked from the top five. This is the 11th year for the Twenty Under 20 program.

Congratulations Reagan!
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